Author: Douglas Krantz, AA, Electronic Technician and Fire Alarm Technician
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Frequently asked questions sent in by readers are answered in the book “Make It Work – Understanding Signaling Line Circuits”. Plain language is used to explain:
- The difference between Addressable and Conventional Fire Alarm Systems
- The difference between Electricity Flow and Signal Flow
- Supervision and T-tapping
- Programming and Addressing
- Multiplexing
- Wire Length and Capacitive Lag
Use the book to learn more about Addressable Two-Wire Signaling Line Circuits.
Best Version for Laptop and Desktop Computers
96 Pages and Supplemented by Over 25 Drawings and Pictures
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About the Author: As a fire alarm and electronic technician, Douglas Krantz helps readers to attain excellence as they work to install, service, and test fire alarm systems. Having worked in the electronics and fire alarm industries for more than 40 years, he brings his skills and experience to installers and technicians as they seek their own high standards.